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The Old Lisbon Post Office, MD

We investigated what used to be the Lisbon Post Office building (originally established March 9, 1815) which shared the space with a waffle business in the back of the building. The paranormal experiences were reported to us by friends who had worked for the waffle business and include:  Things being moved to other locations in the building, seeing a figure in the upstairs portion of the building, and feeling very uncomfortable in the dirt cellar.  Five members of Old Line Paranormal performed an investigation for about 2-3 hours.  Since the building’s owner rents the top portion of the building, we only had access to the previous post office and waffle business portions of the building.  Using our digital recorders, EMF detectors, and the Ovulus we attempted to reach the spirit(s) that may have been at this location.  After reviewing the data collected and discussing our personal experiences, it was determined we found nothing definitive the location is experiencing any paranormal activity.  That’s doesn’t mean things don’t happen; but means the possible spirit(s) weren’t interested in letting us know they were there.

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