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Ford Residence - Westminster, MD

We received an urgent request from the Ford family because their 2-year old son kept telling them he sees a scary man with red eyes, white legs, and won’t talk to him but does, on occasion, sing the ABC’s to him.  Although children can have wild imaginations, the parents said this was something their son wouldn’t make up.  Their son also started asking about “death” which isn’t typical for a 2-year old.  The father also mentioned he had had a paranormal experience in a room downstairs. Five of our investigators performed an investigation for approximately 4 hours.  We noticed our K2 meters responding to questions and the Ovulus saying the same words during 2 separate sessions.  One thing we did find were large EMF readings in the corner of their son’s room where his crib was located.  We reported back to the Ford family some of the odd noises we captured on our digital recorders but nothing really definitive to say for sure there was a spirit in their home.  We did explain what can occur with high EMF being so close to their son when he sleeps and suggested they move his crib to another location within the room.  Since moving their son’s crib, he has not experienced any further paranormal activity.  We are so happy we could help this family and their son.

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