German Cabin Circa 1802 - Frederick, MD

In May of 2015, three of our members investigated an early German 2-Floor cabin built in 1802 known to have been used as a cannery, a blacksmith operation, home and now a guest house. It would have also been amidst the Monocacy Civil War skirmish. At one time, said to have housed 14 adults some of which were indentured servants/slaves. The current owner had found bones in the wall but whether they were human couldn’t be confirmed. The original reason for the investigation was a purple hue/light that would appear in pictures the owner would take while inside the cabin. During the investigation, we were able to de-bunk the purple hue/lights are from her IPAD’s Retina Display and provided some solutions to the owner – not paranormal. What we did have happen on multiple occasions, is our flashlight(s) would turn/on & off per our instructions to any spirit that may be present. Also during these flashlight sessions, our K-2 meters and MEL meter would go off/light up. Cold spots were felt, noises heard, movement felt and the cabin’s front door was found to be wide open when we returned to the first floor from upstairs. We couldn’t prove why the front door was open or how it opened. It appears there may be an intelligent spirit in the cabin/on the property; but it was not malicious or requiring concern. We hope to investigate the location again in the future that will produce more evidence or concur with what we already had happen.
We had the opportunity to investigate this early German 2-Floor cabin again this past June 2017. We obtained some EVPs of thumps & clicks after some questions were asked. When we asked any spirit if they remembered us from our last visit, our K-2’s meter lights went off & sounded. While upstairs, the investigator stated we were aware that slaves had been at this location, and we received a vocal response. We think the voice says “caught”; but being subjective we can’t be sure. Click on this link to see a video clip, use your back arrow to return to this page... Cabin. We enjoy investigating this location and have been welcomed back anytime.
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