
What You Can Expect During/From An Investigation

Old Line Paranormal is very sensitive, to your needs and well-being, when it comes to investigating spirits, hauntings, human interaction with spirits, and other phenomena you may be experiencing. We try to be non-invasive as possible during our research/investigation and are extremely respectful of the living and the dead. Although each case is different, there are some basic investigation procedures/research guidelines we would like to make you aware of, prior to our investigation. This helps to insure our research/investigation is more scientific and successful and to make you more comfortable with having us in your home or business.

What you can expect:

  • A team of 3-8 investigators depending on the size of your location, how many areas within the location activity is occurring and the type of occurrences. Typically it’s usually 3-4 investigators.

  • The majority of our equipment is handheld and carried in cases or photography bags. There is nothing that is dangerous to you, your home/business, or the spirits. Some, of the equipment, are things you might recognize such as cameras, video cams, temperatures gauges, recording devices, etc…

  • Depending on the size of the location and the amount of activity, most investigations last approximately 3-4 hours. Follow-up investigations may be longer or shorter depending on each case’s need.

  • We ask that only the residents of the home/business be in attendance and that no guests be invited unless we have discussed it with your prior to the investigation. Some home/business owners will leave the premises altogether. Other home/business owners will stay at the location but in a designated area to keep the possibility of noise contamination to a minimum. If you wish to remain and would like an investigator to sit with you, during the investigation, and explain things as they occur, please let us know.

  • We will need to turn off all lights and shut off as many electrical appliances as you allow (this includes TV’s & radios). Darkness helps the investigator catch anomalies/spirits in our infrared cameras/video equipment and no noise = no contamination on our recorders.

  • There can be no smoking or lit candles inside the house/business because having those types of odors can also give the investigator(s) faulty readings and interfere with our sense of smell.

  • Once the investigation is complete, we will pack up our equipment and depart.

  • It takes approximately 6-8 weeks for our investigators to review all the data (pictures, video, recordings, etc..). Once compiled, we will contact you to arrange for a follow up meeting or provide you with a report/pictures via email or other communication as requested.

  • While waiting for the report, keep a log of any additional occurrences you may experience to discuss with us when we contact you. If you need us, before our review is complete, don’t hesitate to call us.