I am interested if anyone has seen or experienced anything odd on Brodbeck Rd near Route 30 in Greenmount, Hampstead, MD. While driving westbound 2 years ago I saw a dark spot in the road which I immediately took to be a grease spot. As I approached, it grew taller and wider. By the time I got to it, it was taller than my car, directly in front of the drivers side and very solid, NOT opaque. Had I not been able to reason that there was really not something there, I might have driven off of the road and would have landed in a pasture. The potential for flipping over kept me from swerving. I was very shaken and had to pull over farther up the road. I have searched old newspapers and found at least 2 fatal accidents in what seems to be describing the same portion of the road. I feel this was a shadow person or some demon. It was not smoke and did not dissipate as such. It held it's form until i was about to hit it, then just disappeared. I told this to a friend recently and she said that her son's friend saw something in the same place that made him swerve off of the road. He totaled his car. He told the police that he thought he saw a deer but knew that it wasn't. I would love to hear comment if any one else has experienced this sort of thing.
I am interested if anyone has seen or experienced anything odd on Brodbeck Rd near Route 30 in Greenmount, Hampstead, MD. While driving westbound 2 years ago I saw a dark spot in the road which I immediately took to be a grease spot. As I approached, it grew taller and wider. By the time I got to it, it was taller than my car, directly in front of the drivers side and very solid, NOT opaque. Had I not been able to reason that there was really not something there, I might have driven off of the road and would have landed in a pasture. The potential for flipping over kept me from swerving. I was very shaken and had to pull over farther up the road. I have searched old newspapers and found at least 2 fatal accidents in what seems to be describing the same portion of the road. I feel this was a shadow person or some demon. It was not smoke and did not dissipate as such. It held it's form until i was about to hit it, then just disappeared. I told this to a friend recently and she said that her son's friend saw something in the same place that made him swerve off of the road. He totaled his car. He told the police that he thought he saw a deer but knew that it wasn't. I would love to hear comment if any one else has experienced this sort of thing.