Who and Where We Are Located
Old Line Paranormal is a group of open minded investigators based in Carroll County, Maryland. We are in close proximity to Baltimore Maryland, Washington DC, and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Old Line Paranormal has cars and will travel!!
Who We Serve
Old Line Paranormal is available to anyone with a desire or need for an explanation of activity of unknown origin. Our services are available to private property owners, or any other organization such as public buildings or areas, at the request or approval of it's authority.
How We Operate
Old Line Paranormal uses highly sensitive audio and visual recording devices. We collect evidence without bias as to it's cause, maintaining a professional, scientific frame of mind in analyzing the data.
Relationship With Customers and Community
Old Line Paranormal holds all clients information with strict confidentiality. We will not identify our clients if it is their wish. The images and data we capture will only be released with the homeowner or property owner's consent. We operate without payment of any kind. We continue to be available for questions and concerns after conclusion of investigations and will happily return for further investigation.
Old Line Paranormal proceeds with honesty, integrity, passion, reassurance, and compassion.
Goals and Results
Old Line Paranormal is dedicated to the investigation, research, and analysis of unexplained activity (ghost phenomenon and other things that "go bump in the night"), which may or may not be paranormal. We hope to be of use in relieving stress or fear caused by the unknown.
What You Can Expect During/From An Investigation
Old Line Paranormal is very sensitive, to your needs and well-being, when it comes to investigating spirits, hauntings, human interaction with spirits, and other phenomena you may be experiencing. We try to be non-invasive as possible during our research/investigation and are extremely respectful of the living and the dead. Although each case is different, there are some basic investigation procedures/research guidelines we would like to make you aware of, prior to our investigation. This helps to insure our research/investigation is more scientific and successful and to make you more comfortable with having us in your home or business.
What you can expect:
A team of 3-8 investigators depending on the size of your location, how many areas within the location activity is occurring and the type of occurrences. Typically it’s usually 3-4 investigators.
The majority of our equipment is handheld and carried in cases or photography bags. There is nothing that is dangerous to you, your home/business, or the spirits. Some, of the equipment, are things you might recognize such as cameras, video cams, temperatures gauges, recording devices, etc…
Depending on the size of the location and the amount of activity, most investigations last approximately 3-4 hours. Follow-up investigations may be longer or shorter depending on each case’s need.
We ask that only the residents of the home/business be in attendance and that no guests be invited unless we have discussed it with your prior to the investigation. Some home/business owners will leave the premises altogether. Other home/business owners will stay at the location but in a designated area to keep the possibility of noise contamination to a minimum. If you wish to remain and would like an investigator to sit with you, during the investigation, and explain things as they occur, please let us know.
We will need to turn off all lights and shut off as many electrical appliances as you allow (this includes TV’s & radios). Darkness helps the investigator catch anomalies/spirits in our infrared cameras/video equipment and no noise = no contamination on our recorders.
There can be no smoking or lit candles inside the house/business because having those types of odors can also give the investigator(s) faulty readings and interfere with our sense of smell.
Once the investigation is complete, we will pack up our equipment and depart.
It takes approximately 6-8 weeks for our investigators to review all the data (pictures, video, recordings, etc..). Once compiled, we will contact you to arrange for a follow up meeting or provide you with a report/pictures via email or other communication as requested.
While waiting for the report, keep a log of any additional occurrences you may experience to discuss with us when we contact you. If you need us, before our review is complete, don’t hesitate to call us.